Your Trusted Service Provider!
  • Number #1 Provider

    HVAC Solutions
  • Licensed and Bonded

    # 832605
  • Award Winning

    Angies List

About Us

GoodMan HVAC Appliance is a family-owned and operated company that has been in the HVAC industry in the San Fernando Valley and greater Los Angeles area since 2000, providinquality central air conditioning services, heating services, and appliance installation.

Our goal at Goodman is to provide our customers with services and solutions that maximize their home comfort experience.  In addition to air conditioning, heating, and appliance services, we are always thinking about how to exceed our customers’ expectations with fresher air, greater energy efficiency, more comfortable humidity levels, and quieter equipment operations. We are at the forefront of the appliance repair industry and offer our customers the latest services, technology and information available.

Our mission is to provide each customer with assurance, that the services they receive far outweigh their investment and that the services we provide are:

1. Done right the first time
2. That they are superior to our competition.

We measure our service success by customer satisfaction. We know we must earn customer loyalty by bringing you the best possible service at the best possible price.

Call Goodman today!  1-310-652-7078